Amstrad PC1512 / PC1640 Downloads
This page provides links to downloads that are specific to the Amstrad PC1512 and PC1640 computers.
None yet!
PC1512 System Disks

Item Code |
Year of Release |
Comments |
Download |
46001 - MS-DOS 3.2 |
1986 |
Disk 1 (Red) in the PC1512 set is the MS-DOS 3.2 System disk.
Unzip the archive to a
temporary directory - this gives you 2 files - a .CFI
file and a copy of FDCOPY.COM.
a blank 360K floppy in a drive x: and give the command FDCOPY
460001.CFI x: (where x is the 5.25" drive
on your PC). |
46002 - GEM |
1986 |
Disk 2 (Blue) in the PC1512 set.
Simply unzip using PKUNZIP -D 46002.ZIP a: |
46003 - GEM Desktop and GEM BASIC. |
1986 |
Disk 3 (Green) in the PC1512 set. This contains GEM Desktop and GEM BASIC.
Simply unzip using PKUNZIP -D 46003.ZIP a: |
46004 - DOS-Plus Boot Disk and GEM PAINT. |
1986 |
Disk 4 (yellow) in the PC1512 set, and is a System (bootable) disk.
Unzip the archive to a
temporary directory - this gives you 2 files - a .CFI
file and a copy of FDCOPY.COM.
a blank 360K floppy in a drive x: and give the command FDCOPY
460004.CFI x: (where x is the 5.25" drive
on your PC). |
46005 - Fixed Disk installation and service disk. |
1986 |
Disk 5 (purple) in the PC1512 set. Simply unzip using PKUNZIP -D 46005.ZIP a: |
PC1640 System Disks
Product |
Comments |
Download |
47001 - MS-DOS 3.2 System Disk |
Disk 1 in the PC1640 set, and is a System (bootable) disk.
Unzip the archive to a
temporary directory - this gives you 2 files - a .CFI
file and a copy of FDCOPY.COM.
a blank 360K floppy in a drive x: and give the command FDCOPY
470001.CFI x: (where x is the 5.25" drive
on your PC). |
47002 - GEM Boot |
Disk 2 in the PC1640 set. Simply unzip using PKUNZIP -D 47002.ZIP a: |
47003 - GEM Apps |
Disk 3 in the PC1640 set. Simply unzip using PKUNZIP -D 47003.ZIP a: |
47004 - GEM Apps |
Disk 4 in the PC1640 set. Simply unzip using PKUNZIP -D 47004.ZIP a: |
Drivers & Utilities
Product |
Comments |
Download |
Mouse Driver v7.04 |
This is the most up to date version of the mouse driver
for the PC1512, 1640 and 2086. Do not try and use this on
AT-type machines, like the 2286 and up. For these machines,
use the standard MOUSE.COM file that ships with Windows.
The PC1512 keyboard converts mouse button clicks into keystrokes, but not mouse movement. This leads to various weirdness -- mouse button clicks go down the mouse cable, up the keyboard cable on two extra wires, and into the 8048 in the keyboard to be converted to scancodes. And loading a non-PC1512 KEYB tends to mean the mouse button keystrokes get dropped. |
Clock fix for PC1512 |
This is the driver to fix the realtime clock stored in Non-Volitile RAM on the PC1512
when used with a newer version of DOS. |
NVR program |
The BIOS configuration tool for the PC1512 and PC1640. |
CGAEX and MDAEX are tools that can be used to test various aspects of the behaviour of a CGA / MDA display, or an emulation thereof. CGAEX supports the PC1512 640x200x16 graphics mode. |
1512GFX |
1512GFX contains C source for accessing the PC1512's 640x200x16 graphics mode, and a simple BMP viewer. |
Program to get a drives head/tracks/sector numbers. |
The 640x400x256 Windows driver for the Paradise
VGA in Amstrad PC1xxx/2xxx/3xxx/4xxx computers. |
The FreeGEM driver packs include suitable drivers for all the Amstrad XT models under GEM/3, ViewMAX or FreeGEM. They replace the original video drivers that came with GEM, and provide improvements such as loadable codepages, updated mouse support and more.:
System |
Recommended driver |
Pack |
Resolution |
Colours |
PC1512 |
3 |
640x200 |
16 |
PC1640 with ECD |
2 |
640x350 |
16 |
PC1640 with CD (switches set to EGA) |
2 |
640x200 |
16 |
PC1640 with CD (switches set to CGA) |
3 |
640x200 |
4 |
PC1640 with MD (switches set to EGA) |
2 |
640x350 |
2 |
PC1640 with MD (switches set to Hercules) |
2 |
720x350 |
2 |
Download disks 1 to 4 here:
Download the alternative drivers disk here: 
Download the drivers for the Acorn BBC Master 512 here: 
Refer to the readme file within the ZIP for more details.
The PC1640 is a complicated case. Not only are there three possible monitors for it, but the graphics chipset can also be set up to emulate various types of hardware.
PC1640 BIOS Dumps
The ZIP file here contains the 16K odd, 16K even and 32K video BIOS: