DOS Days

Simon the Sorcerer

Released: 1993
Published by: Adventure Soft
Developed by: Adventure Soft
Author(s): Simon Woodroffe, Mike Woodroffe, Alan Bridgman, Paul Drummond, Maria Drummond, Karen Pinchin, Kevin Preston, Jef Wall.

System Requirements

System Requirements 80286, 640K RAM required. DOS 5 or later. MCGA/VGA graphics supported. Audio support for Ad Lib, Sound Blaster and Roland MT-32 or LAPC-I.
The "talkie" (CD-ROM-based) versions recommend a 386DX-16, 100% DirectX-compatible PC, 1 MB RAM, Windows 95 or 98, VGA graphics, a hard disk and a mouse.
Original Media Three 3.5" 1.44 MB (HD) floppy disks or one CD-ROM.
Installed Size (MB) -

From where can it be run?

From the original floppy disks or installed to hard disk (preferred).

The game came from launch on either three high-density 3.5" floppy disks or a single CD-ROM. There was a demo that was also released on CD-ROM. All CD-ROM media came with the full "talkie" version of the game, whereas the floppy disk version used text prompts only.


Game Audio/Video

MT-32 "Old" Intro 
Sound Blaster (emulated) Intro 


Copy Protection

The game has no copy protection, but the CD version relies on having the CD in the optical drive for digital audio samples.


How to Setup

To install the game, insert the CD and run INSTALL.EXE:

Once the game files have been installed, SETUP.EXE will automatically run:

The setup utility's auto-detection is pretty poor, and doesn't read your SET BLASTER= environment variable, so this will report:

if you have your Sound Blaster on anything apart from base address 220h, IRQ 7 and DMA channel 1. Either way, you will be presented with the list of sound card options for digital audio:

Depending on your selection, you may then be asked for the port address, IRQ and DMA channel your sound card is configured for:

When you press 'y' here, you should hear Simon say 'Hello in there!'. If you don't, check your sound card's hardware jumper settings and be sure they match what you have specified in this SETUP utility.

All of the above was just to configure the 'digital audio' part of the game's sound, i.e. the talking and sound effects. After this sound test, you will be asked what device to use for the music:

Once you have select the music device, you will be taken back to the DOS prompt:

The audio configuration creates a new file in your game's subdirectory called SOUNDRV.COM. This, being an executable file, is not text-readable or editable. The SIMON.BAT batch file used to run the game, executes SOUNDRV.COM before running the main game to load the sound driver into memory. When the game is exited, the batch file unloads this driver from memory.



Symptom: Upon starting the game, the intro sequence flashes through really quickly.
Cause: The game requires a mouse driver to be loaded. This symptom occurs if it cannot see your mouse.
Resolution: Check you mouse is working in other DOS software (not Windows, as that uses its own mouse driver!), e.g. run the DOS editor, EDIT.EXE and move your mouse - you should see an orange pointer.


To Quit the Game

While in the game, select 'Use' on the Postcard to bring up the Save/Load/Quit options. Choose 'Quit' and hit 'Y' to confirm.


Supporting Documents


Save Games

While in the game, select 'Use' on the Postcard to bring up the Save/Load/Quit options. Save games are written to the 'saves' subdirectory in the game's installed directory. Files are called save.001, save.002, and so on. They are not text-readable or editable.


Versions of the game known to exist

Version Date Comments
1.00 28th May 1994 Available on either 3.5" DS/HD floppy or CD-ROM.

Original Disc Contents

The original CD-ROM has a volume label of "CD". Here are its contents:

    Disc 1 of 1 (CD-ROM):

     Volume in drive E is CD 
     Volume Serial Number is 162A-5B9C
     Directory of E:\
    DISK     ID                          34  09-21-93  2:42p
    DRIVERS  RED           27,847  07-06-94  4:28p
    EFFECTS  VOC     3,516,600  05-24-94  1:15p
    GAMEPC                    29,176  05-28-94  6:29p
    ICON     DAT               14,361  09-01-93  2:50p
    INSTALL  DAT              5,033  07-06-94  6:41p
    INSTALL  EXE            97,114  08-18-93  3:29p
    ITXT     TXT                 7,041  09-21-93 11:21a
    MT_FM    IBK               3,204  09-01-93  1:09p
    RUNVGA   EXE           60,605  05-24-94  3:39p
    SETD     SND              19,250  03-20-94  5:51p
    SETUP    EXE             43,586  07-05-94 11:30a
    SIMON    BAT               1,074  06-02-94  9:39a
    SIMON    GME       6,943,110  06-15-94  2:59p
    SIMON    VOC     170,329,792  05-11-94  1:57p
    STRIPPED TXT               252  05-28-94  6:29p
    TBLLIST                          711  05-28-94  6:29p
            17 file(s)    181,098,790 bytes



Installed Directory Contents

If you installed from the CD-ROM (v1.00), the following directory structure exists in the game directory:

Directory of D:\SIMON
.            <DIR>                      02-02-25  12:10p
..           <DIR>                      02-02-25  12:10p
SIMON    GME    6,943,110 06-15-94   2:59p
SAVES        <DIR>               02-02-25  12:11p
MT_FM    IBK            3,204 09-01-93   1:09p
RUNVGA   EXE        60,605 05-24-94   3:39p
SETD     SND           19,250 03-20-94   5:51p
SETUP    EXE          43,586 07-05-94  11:30a
ADLIBG   COM           5,536 01-28-94  10:09a
SBLASTER COM       4,560 01-28-94  10:10a
SBCLONE  COM        4,576 01-28-94  10:10a
SBPRO    COM          4,704 01-28-94  10:10a
SOURCE   COM         3,424 01-28-94  10:10a
PAUDIO   COM          5,376 01-28-94  10:09a
GF166    COM           5,504 10-26-93   4:52p
LSIZE    COM            3,328 01-28-94  10:10a
SB16     COM            4,544 05-18-94  10:33a
PAS16    COM           5,440 01-28-94  10:09a
TANSLTL  COM         3,200 01-28-94  10:10a
SIMON    BAT               234 02-02-25  12:11p
SIMONBAT                   234 02-02-25  12:11p
          21 file(s)      7,120,415 bytes

If you installed the floppy disk version, the following directory structure exists in the game directory:

Directory of C:\SIMON
.            <DIR>         06/05/21   20:42
..           <DIR>         06/05/21   20:42
0001 VGA 1,000 12-25-96 12:32a
0002 VGA 16,194 12-25-96 12:32a
0011 VGA 276 12-25-96 12:32a
0012 VGA 150 12-25-96 12:32a
0021 VGA 164 12-25-96 12:32a
0022 VGA 13,887 12-25-96 12:32a
0031 VGA 132 12-25-96 12:32a
0032 VGA 13,887 12-25-96 12:32a
0041 VGA 3,228 12-25-96 12:32a
0042 VGA 27,488 12-25-96 12:32a
0051 VGA 8,816 12-25-96 12:32a
0052 VGA 43,138 12-25-96 12:32a
0061 VGA 16,120 12-25-96 12:32a
0062 VGA 111,628 12-25-96 12:32a
0071 VGA 2,846 12-25-96 12:32a
0072 VGA 4,172 12-25-96 12:32a
0081 VGA 65,468 12-25-96 12:32a
0082 VGA 119,868 12-25-96 12:32a
0091 VGA 1,346 12-25-96 12:32a
0092 VGA 18,240 12-25-96 12:32a
00VGA RED 188,624 12-25-96 12:32a
0101 VGA 4,494 12-25-96 12:32a
0102 VGA 38,478 12-25-96 12:32a
0111 VGA 21,310 12-25-96 12:32a
0112 VGA 23,888 12-25-96 12:32a
0119 VGA 23,888 12-25-96 12:32a
0121 VGA 2,862 12-25-96 12:32a
0122 VGA 29,326 12-25-96 12:32a
0131 VGA 4,538 12-25-96 12:32a
0132 VGA 39,586 12-25-96 12:32a
0141 VGA 1,038 12-25-96 12:32a
0142 VGA 28,582 12-25-96 12:32a
0151 VGA 868 12-25-96 12:32a
0152 VGA 27,840 12-25-96 12:32a
0161 VGA 4,540 12-25-96 12:32a
0162 VGA 38,804 12-25-96 12:32a
0171 VGA 12,422 12-25-96 12:32a
0172 VGA 39,038 12-25-96 12:32a
0181 VGA 4,096 12-25-96 12:32a
0182 VGA 27,716 12-25-96 12:32a
0191 VGA 4,698 12-25-96 12:32a
0192 VGA 13,588 12-25-96 12:32a
01VGA RED 239,980 12-25-96 12:32a
0201 VGA 2,246 12-25-96 12:32a
0202 VGA 24,012 12-25-96 12:32a
0211 VGA 1,900 12-25-96 12:32a
0212 VGA 36,350 12-25-96 12:32a
0221 VGA 8,464 12-25-96 12:32a
0222 VGA 64,908 12-25-96 12:32a
0231 VGA 4,686 12-25-96 12:32a
0232 VGA 42,520 12-25-96 12:32a
0241 VGA 8,064 12-25-96 12:32a
0242 VGA 70,050 12-25-96 12:32a
0251 VGA 10,198 12-25-96 12:32a
0252 VGA 80,264 12-25-96 12:32a
0261 VGA 1,084 12-25-96 12:32a
0262 VGA 30,120 12-25-96 12:32a
0271 VGA 19,644 12-25-96 12:32a
0272 VGA 81,484 12-25-96 12:32a
0281 VGA 15,540 12-25-96 12:32a
0282 VGA 44,070 12-25-96 12:32a
0291 VGA 6,612 12-25-96 12:32a
0292 VGA 70,530 12-25-96 12:32a
02VGA RED 333,828 12-25-96 12:32a
0301 VGA 1,812 12-25-96 12:32a
0302 VGA 32,926 12-25-96 12:32a
0311 VGA 1,762 12-25-96 12:32a
0312 VGA 30,964 12-25-96 12:32a
0321 VGA 5,702 12-25-96 12:32a
0322 VGA 36,264 12-25-96 12:32a
0331 VGA 1,264 12-25-96 12:32a
0332 VGA 30,914 12-25-96 12:32a
0341 VGA 6,732 12-25-96 12:32a
0342 VGA 59,828 12-25-96 12:32a
0351 VGA 11,414 12-25-96 12:32a
0352 VGA 71,614 12-25-96 12:32a
0361 VGA 1,854 12-25-96 12:32a
0362 VGA 32,608 12-25-96 12:32a
0371 VGA 1,772 12-25-96 12:32a
0372 VGA 42,854 12-25-96 12:32a
0381 VGA 11,634 12-25-96 12:32a
0382 VGA 89,046 12-25-96 12:32a
0391 VGA 7,162 12-25-96 12:32a
0392 VGA 68,804 12-25-96 12:32a
03VGA RED 330,592 12-25-96 12:32a
0401 VGA 4,240 12-25-96 12:32a
0402 VGA 51,848 12-25-96 12:32a
0411 VGA 630 12-25-96 12:32a
0412 VGA 27,228 12-25-96 12:32a
0421 VGA 5,520 12-25-96 12:32a
0422 VGA 72,690 12-25-96 12:32a
0431 VGA 956 12-25-96 12:32a
0432 VGA 28,906 12-25-96 12:32a
0441 VGA 968 12-25-96 12:32a
0442 VGA 28,132 12-25-96 12:32a
0451 VGA 5,384 12-25-96 12:32a
0452 VGA 42,270 12-25-96 12:32a
0461 VGA 428 12-25-96 12:32a
0462 VGA 27,092 12-25-96 12:32a
0481 VGA 426 12-25-96 12:32a
0482 VGA 26,816 12-25-96 12:32a
0491 VGA 3,412 12-25-96 12:32a
0492 VGA 32,020 12-25-96 12:32a
04VGA RED 252,782 12-25-96 12:32a
0501 VGA 2,240 12-25-96 12:32a
0502 VGA 37,724 12-25-96 12:32a
0511 VGA 1,082 12-25-96 12:32a
0512 VGA 3,446 12-25-96 12:32a
0521 VGA 2,732 12-25-96 12:32a
0522 VGA 38,458 12-25-96 12:32a
0531 VGA 32,122 12-25-96 12:32a
0532 VGA 34,388 12-25-96 12:32a
0541 VGA 4,788 12-25-96 12:32a
0542 VGA 43,792 12-25-96 12:32a
0551 VGA 3,540 12-25-96 12:32a
0552 VGA 41,394 12-25-96 12:32a
0561 VGA 1,880 12-25-96 12:32a
0562 VGA 30,174 12-25-96 12:32a
0571 VGA 4,246 12-25-96 12:32a
0572 VGA 49,188 12-25-96 12:32a
0581 VGA 1,702 12-25-96 12:32a
0582 VGA 3,406 12-25-96 12:32a
0591 VGA 11,962 12-25-96 12:32a
0592 VGA 42,082 12-25-96 12:32a
05VGA RED 203,166 12-25-96 12:32a
0601 VGA 9,320 12-25-96 12:32a
0602 VGA 59,076 12-25-96 12:32a
0611 VGA 620 12-25-96 12:32a
0612 VGA 15,792 12-25-96 12:32a
0621 VGA 1,182 12-25-96 12:32a
0622 VGA 1,944 12-25-96 12:32a
0631 VGA 1,814 12-25-96 12:32a
0632 VGA 38,054 12-25-96 12:32a
0641 VGA 4,182 12-25-96 12:32a
0642 VGA 46,492 12-25-96 12:32a
0651 VGA 4,338 12-25-96 12:32a
0652 VGA 41,362 12-25-96 12:32a
0661 VGA 1,042 12-25-96 12:32a
0662 VGA 23,368 12-25-96 12:32a
0671 VGA 7,566 12-25-96 12:32a
0672 VGA 86,624 12-25-96 12:32a
0681 VGA 726 12-25-96 12:32a
0682 VGA 30,408 12-25-96 12:32a
0691 VGA 10,360 12-25-96 12:32a
0692 VGA 65,786 12-25-96 12:32a
06VGA RED 252,566 12-25-96 12:32a
0701 VGA 960 12-25-96 12:32a
0702 VGA 26,996 12-25-96 12:32a
0711 VGA 434 12-25-96 12:32a
0712 VGA 26,816 12-25-96 12:32a
0721 VGA 666 12-25-96 12:32a
0722 VGA 26,958 12-25-96 12:32a
0731 VGA 3,052 12-25-96 12:32a
0732 VGA 36,740 12-25-96 12:32a
0741 VGA 6,586 12-25-96 12:32a
0742 VGA 51,484 12-25-96 12:32a
0751 VGA 774 12-25-96 12:32a
0752 VGA 26,964 12-25-96 12:32a
0761 VGA 524 12-25-96 12:32a
0762 VGA 26,816 12-25-96 12:32a
0771 VGA 3,672 12-25-96 12:32a
0772 VGA 41,568 12-25-96 12:32a
0781 VGA 434 12-25-96 12:32a
0782 VGA 26,816 12-25-96 12:32a
0791 VGA 548 12-25-96 12:32a
0792 VGA 27,978 12-25-96 12:32a
07VGA RED 244,378 12-25-96 12:32a
0801 VGA 1,194 12-25-96 12:32a
0802 VGA 31,402 12-25-96 12:32a
0811 VGA 730 12-25-96 12:32a
0812 VGA 27,012 12-25-96 12:32a
0821 VGA 592 12-25-96 12:32a
0822 VGA 27,026 12-25-96 12:32a
0831 VGA 426 12-25-96 12:32a
0832 VGA 26,816 12-25-96 12:32a
0841 VGA 736 12-25-96 12:32a
0842 VGA 27,544 12-25-96 12:32a
0851 VGA 816 12-25-96 12:32a
0852 VGA 27,200 12-25-96 12:32a
0861 VGA 650 12-25-96 12:32a
0862 VGA 27,636 12-25-96 12:32a
0871 VGA 640 12-25-96 12:32a
0872 VGA 26,982 12-25-96 12:32a
0881 VGA 490 12-25-96 12:32a
0882 VGA 27,360 12-25-96 12:32a
0891 VGA 1,386 12-25-96 12:32a
0892 VGA 30,360 12-25-96 12:32a
08VGA RED 232,276 12-25-96 12:32a
0901 VGA 20,290 12-25-96 12:32a
0902 VGA 105,540 12-25-96 12:32a
0911 VGA 1,138 12-25-96 12:32a
0912 VGA 15,772 12-25-96 12:32a
0921 VGA 774 12-25-96 12:32a
0922 VGA 6,574 12-25-96 12:32a
0931 VGA 702 12-25-96 12:32a
0932 VGA 3,526 12-25-96 12:32a
0941 VGA 858 12-25-96 12:32a
0942 VGA 5,422 12-25-96 12:32a
0951 VGA 558 12-25-96 12:32a
0952 VGA 1,812 12-25-96 12:32a
0961 VGA 2,628 12-25-96 12:32a
0962 VGA 36,966 12-25-96 12:32a
0971 VGA 916 12-25-96 12:32a
0972 VGA 29,722 12-25-96 12:32a
0981 VGA 648 12-25-96 12:32a
0982 VGA 34,572 12-25-96 12:32a
0991 VGA 17,100 12-25-96 12:32a
0992 VGA 83,258 12-25-96 12:32a
09VGA RED 222,438 12-25-96 12:32a
1001 VGA 18,458 12-25-96 12:32a
1002 VGA 130,552 12-25-96 12:32a
1011 VGA 2,506 12-25-96 12:32a
1012 VGA 45,368 12-25-96 12:32a
1021 VGA 1,082 12-25-96 12:32a
1022 VGA 14,958 12-25-96 12:32a
1031 VGA 6,974 12-25-96 12:32a
1032 VGA 14,130 12-25-96 12:32a
1041 VGA 266 12-25-96 12:32a
1042 VGA 492 12-25-96 12:32a
1051 VGA 266 12-25-96 12:32a
1052 VGA 490 12-25-96 12:32a
1061 VGA 8,652 12-25-96 12:32a
1062 VGA 36,412 12-25-96 12:32a
1071 VGA 886 12-25-96 12:32a
1072 VGA 28,776 12-25-96 12:32a
1081 VGA 4,276 12-25-96 12:32a
1082 VGA 43,486 12-25-96 12:32a
1091 VGA 3,198 12-25-96 12:32a
1092 VGA 35,058 12-25-96 12:32a
10VGA RED 219,109 12-25-96 12:32a
1101 VGA 2,312 12-25-96 12:32a
1102 VGA 40,974 12-25-96 12:32a
1111 VGA 5,558 12-25-96 12:32a
1112 VGA 58,218 12-25-96 12:32a
1121 VGA 12,610 12-25-96 12:32a
1122 VGA 84,208 12-25-96 12:32a
1131 VGA 5,180 12-25-96 12:32a
1132 VGA 39,460 12-25-96 12:32a
1141 VGA 7,386 12-25-96 12:32a
1142 VGA 43,966 12-25-96 12:32a
1151 VGA 8,222 12-25-96 12:32a
1152 VGA 100,028 12-25-96 12:32a
1161 VGA 9,894 12-25-96 12:32a
1162 VGA 70,092 12-25-96 12:32a
1171 VGA 2,880 12-25-96 12:32a
1172 VGA 40,654 12-25-96 12:32a
1181 VGA 4,964 12-25-96 12:32a
1182 VGA 52,562 12-25-96 12:32a
1191 VGA 7,772 12-25-96 12:32a
1192 VGA 22,422 12-25-96 12:32a
11VGA RED 359,934 12-25-96 12:32a
1201 VGA 1,862 12-25-96 12:32a
1202 VGA 5,910 12-25-96 12:32a
1211 VGA 4,048 12-25-96 12:32a
1212 VGA 5,578 12-25-96 12:32a
1221 VGA 3,370 12-25-96 12:32a
1222 VGA 42,846 12-25-96 12:32a
1231 VGA 6,020 12-25-96 12:32a
1232 VGA 44,434 12-25-96 12:32a
1241 VGA 10,722 12-25-96 12:32a
1242 VGA 59,642 12-25-96 12:32a
1251 VGA 8,354 12-25-96 12:32a
1252 VGA 42,772 12-25-96 12:32a
1261 VGA 1,424 12-25-96 12:32a
1262 VGA 1,182 12-25-96 12:32a
1271 VGA 1,138 12-25-96 12:32a
1272 VGA 41,584 12-25-96 12:32a
1281 VGA 12,698 12-25-96 12:32a
1282 VGA 65,238 12-25-96 12:32a
1291 VGA 12,582 12-25-96 12:32a
1292 VGA 88,320 12-25-96 12:32a
12VGA RED 259,153 12-25-96 12:32a
1301 VGA 3,478 12-25-96 12:32a
1302 VGA 7,452 12-25-96 12:32a
1311 VGA 8,014 12-25-96 12:32a
1312 VGA 25,904 12-25-96 12:32a
1321 VGA 8,462 12-25-96 12:32a
1322 VGA 10,140 12-25-96 12:32a
1331 VGA 13,778 12-25-96 12:32a
1332 VGA 27,214 12-25-96 12:32a
1341 VGA 696 12-25-96 12:32a
1342 VGA 1,628 12-25-96 12:32a
1351 VGA 1,452 12-25-96 12:32a
1352 VGA 18 12-25-96 12:32a
1361 VGA 356 12-25-96 12:32a
1362 VGA 1,624 12-25-96 12:32a
1371 VGA 1,182 12-25-96 12:32a
1372 VGA 14,242 12-25-96 12:32a
1381 VGA 662 12-25-96 12:32a
1382 VGA 2,854 12-25-96 12:32a
1391 VGA 1,022 12-25-96 12:32a
1392 VGA 3,098 12-25-96 12:32a
13VGA RED 58,481 12-25-96 12:32a
1401 VGA 20,576 12-25-96 12:32a
1402 VGA 3,466 12-25-96 12:32a
1411 VGA 21,644 12-25-96 12:32a
1412 VGA 4,124 12-25-96 12:32a
1421 VGA 24,306 12-25-96 12:32a
1422 VGA 2,108 12-25-96 12:32a
1431 VGA 1,570 12-25-96 12:32a
1432 VGA 40,054 12-25-96 12:32a
1441 VGA 1,568 12-25-96 12:32a
1442 VGA 26,040 12-25-96 12:32a
1451 VGA 718 12-25-96 12:32a
1452 VGA 1,552 12-25-96 12:32a
1461 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1462 VGA 4,994 12-25-96 12:32a
1471 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1472 VGA 8,458 12-25-96 12:32a
1481 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1482 VGA 4,204 12-25-96 12:32a
1491 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1492 VGA 4,320 12-25-96 12:32a
14VGA RED 76,861 12-25-96 12:32a
1501 VGA 16,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1502 VGA 128,468 12-25-96 12:32a
1511 VGA 4,836 12-25-96 12:32a
1512 VGA 60,370 12-25-96 12:32a
1521 VGA 348 12-25-96 12:32a
1522 VGA 1,624 12-25-96 12:32a
1531 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1532 VGA 5,002 12-25-96 12:32a
1541 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1542 VGA 7,118 12-25-96 12:32a
1551 VGA 278 12-25-96 12:32a
1552 VGA 12,364 12-25-96 12:32a
1561 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1562 VGA 6,004 12-25-96 12:32a
1571 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1572 VGA 2,482 12-25-96 12:32a
1581 VGA 832 12-25-96 12:32a
1582 VGA 2,928 12-25-96 12:32a
1591 VGA 1,436 12-25-96 12:32a
1592 VGA 4,500 12-25-96 12:32a
15VGA RED 180,534 12-25-96 12:32a
1601 VGA 8,450 12-25-96 12:32a
1602 VGA 46,144 12-25-96 12:32a
1621 VGA 340 12-25-96 12:32a
1622 VGA 8,872 12-25-96 12:32a
1631 VGA 3,136 12-25-96 12:32a
1632 VGA 33,274 12-25-96 12:32a
16VGA RED 57,331 12-25-96 12:32a
DISK ID 34 12-25-96 12:32a
FREEMEM SIZ 51 11-06-21 3:23p
GAME RED 336,811 12-25-96 12:32a
GAMEPC 37,070 12-25-96 12:32a
ICON DAT 14,361 12-25-96 12:32a
INSTALL DAT 15,151 12-25-96 12:32a
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462 file(s) 11,341,884 bytes